🤖 Free Press Release Generator (AI-Powered)

Crafting the perfect press release is a critical step in broadcasting your company's latest news and achievements. However, nailing the right tone and content that grabs attention can often feel overwhelming. That's where the AI-Powered Press Release Generator shines. This innovative tool takes the stress out of writing by automating the creation process. It ensures your press release is engaging and effectively targeted, letting you concentrate on what you do best innovating and growing your business.

Crafting a press release that captures your attention and conveys your message clearly is no small feat. In today's fast-paced media environment, it's vital to get it right the first time. Whether you're announcing a new product launch, a groundbreaking service, or a significant corporate milestone, the challenge remains: how do you ensure your news stands out and reaches the right audience? Fortunately, technology is on your side. While the fundamentals of writing a compelling press release remain unchanged, AI-powered press release generators can streamline the process, ensuring your content is not only engaging but also perfectly formatted and tailored to your industry's standards. Here's how to harness the potential of these tools to elevate your press communications.

What is a Press Release?

A press release is more than just an official announcement. It's a strategic tool designed to grab attention and inform simultaneously. When you're tasked with writing one, it's crucial to understand its structure and purpose. A well-crafted press release, with its headline, subheader, body, quote, and contact information, makes your story irresistible to journalists and your target audience.

Focus on effective writing to ensure your press release stands out. Start with a compelling headline that captures the essence of your news. Make it catchy yet informative. In the first paragraph, the body of your press release should answer the who, what, why, and where, providing essential details upfront. Incorporating a quote can add a human element and credibility to your announcement.

Press release formatting is not just about the length or the structure. It's about presenting your information in a clear and concise manner. Stick to a 1-2 page length to respect the media's time and attention spans. Use a writing style that avoids industry jargon, making your press release accessible to a wider audience. Remember, your goal is to facilitate media relations by presenting your information in an engaging manner.

Importance of Press Release in media and public relations

In media and public relations, press releases are pivotal in broadcasting newsworthy information to the media and the public, significantly impacting an organisation's visibility and narrative control. They're your go-to tool for announcing company news, whether a product launch, an executive hire, or any significant event that deserves attention. With effective press release distribution, you're not just throwing information into the void; you're strategically placing your story where it matters, ensuring it catches the eye of journalists and your target audience.

Crafting a media release that packs a punch is essential for generating media coverage. It's about more than just sharing news; it's about framing your narrative to enhance your brand's visibility and credibility. By highlighting newsworthy content, you're inviting the media and public to engage with your story, thus building a stronger connection with your audience.

Moreover, a well-executed press release can be a powerful component of your public relations strategy. It helps control the narrative, especially in times of crisis, ensuring that your side of the story is heard. By leveraging press releases, you're not just sharing news; you're shaping perceptions and reinforcing your position in the industry.

Components of a Press Release

You'll need to focus on its essential components to craft an impactful press release. Start with a compelling heading and subheading to catch the reader's attention, followed by the date and location to ground your news in time and place. The introduction paragraph should clearly outline the who, what, why, and where, setting the stage for the detailed body content and informative boilerplate information.

Heading and Subheading

Crafting an engaging heading and subheading in your press release grabs attention and succinctly conveys your main message. These elements are your first chance to hook the reader. When figuring out how to write a press release, using a template can be a lifesaver. It helps you nail the structure, ensuring your heading and subheading hit the mark.






Captures attention with action verbs and clarity



It provides additional context and intrigue


First Paragraph

Answers who, what, why, and where

Following these steps to write a press release ensures you're crafting a newsworthy press release structured to engage from the start.

Date and Location

Why should you include the date and location in your press release? When crafting your news release, it's crucial to ground your announcement in time and place. This not only adds credibility but also helps your audience quickly understand the relevance of your news.

  • Establishes Timeline: Including the date in your press release, formatted as Month, Day, Year, ensures that your audience knows exactly when your news is happening or happened. This is essential for time-sensitive announcements.
  • Provides Context: The location gives a geographical reference, which is crucial for local news outlets or publications targeting specific regions.
  • Enhances Relevance: Together, date and location help readers immediately gauge the news' relevance to them, increasing the chances of your press release catching the eye of the right audience.

Introduction Paragraph

A compelling introduction paragraph in your press release must quickly answer the who, what, why, and where to engage journalists and readers. It's your chance to grab attention and set the tone for what's to come. You'll convey a sense of urgency and importance by incorporating action verbs immediately. This section isn't just about hooking your audience; it's about providing a clear snapshot of your news. Remember, you've got to make every word count. Dive straight into the essentials, ensuring that the introduction encapsulates the core of your message. It's the foundation upon which the rest of your press release is built, setting the stage for the detailed story that unfolds in the subsequent sections.

Body Content

To effectively communicate your news, the body of your press release should dive into the specifics, answering the who, what, why, and where with precise, concise details. This section is your chance to elaborate on the initial announcement, providing the necessary context and information that makes your news stand out. You'll want to ensure that you're informing and engaging your audience with the content.

Here are three key components to include in your body content:

  • Context and Details: Offer 2-3 paragraphs that paint a complete picture of your announcement.
  • Supporting Quotes: Add credibility with quotes from key stakeholders or experts.
  • Bulleted Facts and Figures: Highlight essential data points that underscore the significance of your news, making it easier for readers to digest.

Boilerplate Information

Understanding the boilerplate in a press release can significantly enhance your company's visibility and reputation among readers and journalists. It's your chance to shine, spotlighting your company's history, mission, and achievements. Think of it as your business's elevator pitch at the close of your message, leaving a lasting impression.

Here's a quick guide to what should be in your boilerplate:




A brief overview of your company's origins and journey.


Your company's purpose and core values.


Key milestones and successes that define your brand.


Remember, this isn't the spot for contact details—that's next.

Crafting a compelling boilerplate isn't just about wrapping up your press release; it's about reinforcing your brand's identity and credibility.

Contact Information

Including your contact information in a press release ensures journalists can easily reach out for further details or interview requests. This essential step not only enhances the professionalism of your release but also opens the door for potential media coverage. Here's what you should include:

  • Phone Number: A direct line to the person handling media inquiries ensures quick and efficient communication.
  • Email Address: Provides an alternative method for journalists to contact you, beneficial for sending additional information or scheduling interviews.
  • Designated Contact Person: Identifying a specific individual as the media contact helps streamline communication and fosters positive relationships with the press.

Writing Style for Effective Press Releases

When crafting your press release, you must prioritise clarity and brevity to ensure your message is immediately understood. You'll want to use an active voice to make your statements more engaging and direct. Lastly, maintaining a professional tone throughout your press release will help establish credibility with your audience.

Clarity and Brevity

To ensure your press release stands out, prioritise clarity and brevity in your writing. Journalists and readers are bombarded with information daily, so your press release must be precise and to the point.

Here are three essential guidelines to follow:

  • Avoid Jargon: Stick to simple, straightforward language. Complex terms can confuse readers and dilute your message.
  • Be Concise: Trim the fat. Ensure every word serves a purpose, focusing on delivering your message as succinctly as possible.
  • Focus on the Essentials: Highlight the most critical information early. Don't bury the lead; make the who, what, where, when, and why immediately clear to your audience.

Using Active Voice

Using active voice in your press release not only enhances its readability but also ensures your message effectively captures the audience's attention. Focusing on the subject performing the action makes your content more direct and impactful. This approach helps attribute actions clearly, conveying urgency and importance that grabs the reader's attention.

Here's a quick guide to make your writing more dynamic:

Active Voice Example

Passive Voice Counterpart


"The company launched the product."

"The company launched the product."

More direct

"Our team won the award."

"Our team won the award."

More engaging

"We will release the update."

"We will release the update."

More urgent

"The CEO announced a merger."

"The CEO announced a merger."

More clear

"Researchers discovered a breakthrough."

"Researchers discovered a breakthrough."

More concise

Switching to active voice makes your press release lively and keeps your audience hooked.

Professional Tone

After mastering the use of active voice, it's essential to maintain a professional tone to ensure your press release reflects the seriousness and credibility of your message. This isn't just about what you say but how you say it. A professional tone sets the right expectations and builds trust with your audience.

  • Use Clear, Concise Language: Avoid complex jargon that might confuse readers. Stick to straightforward wording that conveys your message.
  • Avoid Informal Language: Avoid slang and too casual phrases. You aim to project authority and seriousness.
  • Incorporate Proper Grammar and Structure: This enhances readability and demonstrates your attention to detail and respect for the reader's understanding.

Manual Steps to Write an Effective Press Release

To craft an impactful press release, you must first pinpoint its purpose and get to know your audience. The next crucial step is crafting a headline that captures the essence and grabs attention. Then, as you write the body, including quotes can add a personal touch that brings your story to life.

Define the Purpose

Before you start writing your press release, it's crucial to pinpoint its purpose. Whether you're announcing an event, launching a new product, or sharing company news, your goal shapes the content and tone of your release. This clarity ensures you're crafting a message that resonates with your target audience and achieves your desired outcome.

Announcing an Event

Start by clearly defining the purpose of your event, which will set the tone and convey the main message in your press release.

  • Highlight what makes your event stand out, emphasising its newsworthiness.
  • Include key details: date, time, location, and agenda to inform your audience thoroughly.
  • Use engaging language to spark interest and address potential attendee questions, ensuring your press release resonates and feels relevant.

Launching a Product

After discussing how to announce an event, let's focus on effectively launching a product by first defining its purpose in your press release. Communicate what makes your product newsworthy by highlighting its key features, benefits, and unique selling points. Include quotes from experts and details on availability and pricing. Don't forget a solid call to action to engage readers and prompt further inquiries.

Sharing Company News

Why is defining the purpose of your press release crucial when sharing company news? It ensures your message aligns with your business goals and resonates with your target audience. Here are the key steps:

  • Outline the specific news, like a product launch or partnership.
  • Identify the core message to engage readers.
  • Craft a compelling angle to make your story stand out and drive media interest.

Understand Your Audience

To craft an impactful press release, it's crucial first to identify and understand your target audience's demographics, interests, and preferences. Conducting market research helps you grasp what your audience needs and expects from your news. Using language and messaging that resonates with them ensures your press release engages and remains relevant. Aligning your release with the platforms your audience prefers increases its effectiveness.


Why It Matters

Audience Demographics

Tailors content to specific interests and needs

Market Research

Identifies audience pain points and expectations

Language & Tone

Ensures engagement and relevance

Preferred Platforms

Increases reach and effectiveness.

Past Successes

Guides content strategy for the current release

Craft Your Headline

Crafting an engaging headline often decides whether your press release grabs attention or goes unnoticed. It's your first chance to make an impression, so you've got to nail it. Here's how:

  • Be Concise and Catchy: Keep your headline short, using action verbs that draw readers in. It should pack a punch and clearly show what's coming.
  • Summarise Wisely: Make sure your headline encapsulates the most crucial information or the essence of your announcement. It's about enticing readers to dive deeper.
  • Maintain Professionalism: Avoid all caps and excessive punctuation. Your goal is to engage, not overwhelm. A professional tone helps in establishing credibility right from the start.

Write the Body of the Press Release

Crafting the body of your press release requires careful structuring to ensure your message resonates clearly and compellingly. Start with the essentials - who, what, when, where, and why - to grab attention immediately. Then, layer in additional details and wrap up with a call to action or summary, quickly guiding your readers through the narrative.

First Paragraph: Who, What, When, Where, Why

Begin your press release's body by clearly stating who's involved, what's happening, when, where it's taking place, and why it matters, ensuring your news grabs attention immediately.

  • Who and What: Identify the key players and the event.
  • When and Where: Specify the time and location.
  • Why: Explain the significance and impact of the news.

Supporting Paragraphs: Additional Details

After detailing the essential 'who, what, when, where, and why' in your press release's opening, delve into the supporting paragraphs to provide additional context and enrich the narrative with critical details. Incorporate quotes from key stakeholders to add credibility, ensure your points flow logically, and convey the significance of your news. This approach keeps your audience engaged and informs them effectively about the announcement's impact.

Final Paragraph: Call to Action or Summary

After detailing the core elements and providing enriching context, it's crucial to conclude your press release with a final paragraph that either sums up the key points or includes a compelling call to action.

  • Invite readers to an event or visit your website for more information.
  • Reinforce the main message by summarising key points.
  • Motivate readers to engage, driving conversions or further interaction with your brand.

Include Quotes for Personal Touch

Incorporating quotes into your press release breathes life into your announcement, offering a personal touch that can significantly boost its credibility and appeal. You make your message more compelling and trustworthy by including statements from high-profile sources. Ensure these quotes illustrate breakthroughs, industry significance, or unique aspects of your news to engage your readers genuinely. Remember, avoiding sales language is crucial, focusing instead on authenticity and relatability. Strategic use of quotes adds depth to your announcement and aids journalists and media contacts in crafting a complete, engaging story around your news. Don't underestimate the power of a well-placed quote to transform your press release from merely informative to deeply impactful.

Conclude with a Strong Boilerplate

Moving beyond the narrative elements, focusing on wrapping up your press release with a strong boilerplate encapsulating your company's essence is crucial. This might seem like a small detail, but it's your opportunity to leave a lasting impression on journalists and readers alike. A compelling boilerplate underlines the significance of your news by solidifying your brand's identity.

Consider these critical components for your boilerplate:

  • Brief Company Background: Offer a snapshot of your company's origin, mission, and values.
  • Products/Services and Achievements: Highlight what you offer and any notable accomplishments.
  • Website Link: Incorporate a link to your website, driving traffic and potentially improving your SEO efforts.

Add Relevant Contact Information

Always include your company's essential contact details at the top of your press release to ensure journalists can quickly contact you for more information. This step is crucial for facilitating media inquiries and ensuring your story has the chance to be heard. By providing a specific media contact person, you're making it easier for journalists to reach out and build credibility and trust.

Type of Information


Company Name

[Your Company Name]


[Company Address]

Phone Number

[Company Phone Number]

Email Address

[General Inquiry Email]

Media Contact

[Name, Title, Phone, Email]

Accurate and up-to-date contact details are your gateway to gaining coverage and establishing connections with the media.

Using an AI-Powered Press Release Generator

You might wonder what a press release generator is and how it can benefit you. These tools can save you time by automatically creating content, offering intelligent recommendations on distribution, and ensuring your press release meets professional standards. Let's explore using a press release generator effectively to maximise your release's impact.

What is a Press Release Generator?

A press release generator is a sophisticated AI-powered tool designed to simplify the creation of professional press releases. This tool assists businesses, organisations, and individuals in communicating important updates, achievements, or announcements to the public and the media. This tool not only enhances efficiency by saving time and resources but also helps maintain a consistent voice in all corporate communications, making it an invaluable asset for any public relations strategy. Here's how it works:

Input Collection:

  • The first step involves collecting essential information from you. This includes the core message of the press release, key facts, quotes from involved parties, company information, and any specific details that need to be highlighted.
  • You might be prompted to fill out a form or answer a set of questions to ensure that the AI has all necessary data to create a comprehensive document.

Data Analysis:

  • Once the information is provided, the AI analyses the inputs using natural language processing (NLP) techniques. The aim here is to understand the context, identify key points, and determine the newsworthiness of the information.
  • The system sorts the information to structure the press release effectively. It identifies what should be featured in the headline, how to craft an engaging opening paragraph, and the best way to present detailed content in the body.

Draft Generation:

  • With the structure and key points identified, the AI then generates a draft of the press release. This draft includes a compelling headline designed to capture attention, an introductory paragraph that summarizes the main points, detailed body paragraphs that elaborate on the news, and a boilerplate statement that provides background information about the company. 
  • The generated text is designed to follow the conventional press release format which is familiar to journalists and media outlets. 

Benefits of Using a Press Release Generator

When you need to share your company's milestones or updates with the world, a well-crafted press release is vital. An AI-powered press release generator can transform this essential task, making it not only more efficient but also potentially more effective. Here’s how using one of these advanced tools can benefit your business:

Saves Time

  • Instant Drafts: Generate a first draft within minutes, freeing up your time to focus on refining the message or other tasks.
  • Streamlined Revisions: Quickly modify drafts based on new inputs or feedback without starting from scratch.

Enhances Quality

  • Consistent Tone and Style: Maintain a professional tone that reflects your brand’s voice across all communications.
  • Error Reduction: Minimize grammatical errors and enhance readability with built-in language processing tools.

Increases Reach

  • SEO Optimisation: Integrate relevant keywords seamlessly to ensure your press release performs well in search engine rankings.
  • Customisable Templates: Tailor your message to different audiences and media outlets with adaptable templates.

Facilitates Creativity

  • Creative Suggestions: Receive suggestions for catchy headlines and compelling content that can make your press release stand out.
  • Diverse Formats: Explore different stylistic approaches to presenting your news, from traditional formats to more modern, narrative-driven styles.


  • Reduce Outsourcing: Lower the need to hire external PR agencies or freelance writers for each announcement.
  • Subscription Models: Choose from various pricing plans that suit your budget and press release frequency.

How to Use the Press Release Generator?

Using a press release generator can streamline your process of crafting professional and impactful press releases. Whether you’re announcing a new product, an event, or company news, following these steps ensures your message reaches your audience clearly and effectively.

Step-by-Step Guide to Crafting a Press Release:

  1. Write the Main Announcement or News

    • Start with a strong, compelling headline that succinctly captures the essence of your announcement. This is your first impression, so make it count.
    • Follow up with a concise subheadline that provides a bit more detail and hooks the reader.
    • In the opening paragraph, summarize the key points of your news. Ensure it answers the “who, what, when, where, and why” questions.


    • Headline: "XYZ Corp Launches Revolutionary Eco-Friendly Product Line"
    • Subheadline: "New range of sustainable products aimed at reducing carbon footprint hits the market this July."
    • Opening Paragraph: "XYZ Corp, a leader in sustainable solutions, is set to launch its new eco-friendly product line on July 15, 2024. This range includes biodegradable and reusable items designed to help consumers reduce their environmental impact."
  2. Include the Name of Your Company or Organization

    • Clearly state your company’s name early in the release. It’s crucial for brand recognition and credibility.
    • If the release is joint, mention all relevant organizations involved.


    • "XYZ Corp, in partnership with GreenTech Innovations, is proud to announce..."
  3. Specify the Date of the Event or Launch

    • Indicate when the news or event will take place or when the product will be available.
    • If the event spans multiple dates, mention the range clearly.


    • "The new product line will be available from July 15, 2024, with pre-orders starting June 1, 2024."
  4. Explain Why the News is Significant

    • Articulate the importance or impact of the news. How does it benefit your audience or the industry?
    • Highlight any unique aspects or innovations that set your announcement apart.


    • "This launch marks a significant milestone in XYZ Corp's commitment to sustainability. These products not only meet consumer needs but also contribute to environmental preservation by reducing waste and promoting green practices."
  5. Provide a Quote from a Key Person

    • Include a meaningful quote from a senior executive, project leader, or another key person. It should add a human touch and emphasize the significance of the announcement.
    • The quote should align with your company's values and the message of the release.


    • "We are thrilled to introduce our eco-friendly product line,” said Jane Doe, CEO of XYZ Corp. “This initiative is a testament to our ongoing dedication to environmental responsibility and innovation.”
  6. Identify the Media Contact

    • Clearly list the person or team that media representatives should contact for more information.
    • Include their full name, phone number, and email address.


    • "For more information, please contact: John Smith, Public Relations Manager, XYZ Corp. Phone: 123-456-7890 Email: [email protected]."
  7. Generate the Press Release

    • Once all the information is entered, click the ‘Generate’ button to create your press release.
    • Review the generated content for any errors or needed adjustments before distribution.

Common Mistakes to Avoid When Writing a Press Release

When crafting a press release, it's crucial to communicate your news in a clear, concise, and professional manner. Avoiding common pitfalls can greatly enhance the effectiveness of your release. Here are some of the most frequent mistakes to watch out for when writing a press release:

Overly Promotional Language

  • Avoid Sales Pitches: A press release should inform, not sell. It's about stating facts and sharing news, not advertising products or services.

Neglecting the Audience

  • Understand Your Readers: Tailor your press release to the interests of the media and your broader audience. It should be relevant and interesting to them, not just to your company.

Lack of a Clear Focus

  • Stay On Topic: Focus on one newsworthy item. Trying to include too much information can dilute the impact of your main message.

Forgetting the "Why"

  • Explain Its Importance: Always clarify why your news matters. Readers should immediately understand the relevance of your announcement.

Weak Headlines

  • Create Impactful Headlines: Your headline should grab attention and summarise the news. A weak headline can result in your press release being overlooked.

Omitting Essential Information

  • Who, What, When, Where, Why, and How: Ensure these critical questions are answered in the body of your press release to provide a complete view of your announcement.

Overlooking the Structure

  • Follow the Standard Format: Begin with the most important information, followed by supporting details, and end with general company information.

Poor Timing

  • Timing Is Key: Releasing news at the wrong time can lead to it being ignored. Consider industry trends and external factors affecting media consumption.

Typos and Grammatical Errors

  • Proofread Thoroughly: Errors can undermine the professionalism of your press release. Always check your work or have it reviewed by another pair of eyes.

Ignoring Multimedia Elements

  • Use Images or Videos: Including relevant multimedia can significantly increase the engagement and distribution of your press release.

Not Making It Easily Accessible

  • Easy to Read and Share: Format your press release so that it is easy to read and share. Use short paragraphs, bullet points, and include links to additional information or high-resolution images.

Examples of Captivating Press Releases

Creating a successful press release involves a blend of clear information, strategic formatting, and compelling content. Each of these examples demonstrates the importance of clear, concise, and targeted communication. By tailoring the press release to the specific audience and purpose, companies can effectively convey their message and engage their intended audience. Here are three examples of press releases, each tailored for different scenarios, to help you understand how to format and craft your announcements effectively:

Product Launch Press Release

Headline: ABC Software Unveils Game-Changing Project Management Tool

Subheadline: Revolutionizing Team Collaboration with Cutting-Edge Features and Intuitive Design

Date: April 15, 2024

Location: San Francisco, CA

First Paragraph: ABC Software, a leader in productivity technologies, today announced the launch of ProjectPro, a new project management software designed to streamline operations and enhance team collaboration across global enterprises.


  • Key Features: Highlight the unique aspects of the product, such as real-time collaboration tools, AI-powered analytics, and customisable dashboards.
  • Quote from CEO: "With ProjectPro, we are setting new standards for what teams can achieve in project management," says Jane Doe, CEO of ABC Software.
  • Potential Impact: Discuss how the product addresses specific pain points in project management and its benefits for teams.

Boilerplate: Information about ABC Software, its mission, and a brief history.

Contact Information:

Event Announcement Press Release

Headline: ABC Software to Host Annual Tech Innovators Conference

Subheadline: Explore the Future of Technology with Industry Leaders on June 20, 2024

Date: April 15, 2024

Location: Los Angeles, CA

First Paragraph: ABC Software is excited to announce its annual Tech Innovators Conference, scheduled for June 20, 2024, at the Los Angeles Convention Center. This year’s theme, "Tech for Tomorrow," promises to bring together the brightest minds in technology to discuss future trends and innovations.


  • Speakers and Topics: List notable speakers and the topics they will cover.
  • Registration Details: Include how to register, early bird rates, and any VIP package options.
  • Quote from the Event Coordinator: "We are thrilled to host another inspiring round of discussions that shape the future of our industry," says Emily White, Event Coordinator.

Boilerplate: Information about ABC Software and its role in technology advancements.

Contact Information:

Achievement Announcement Press Release

Headline: ABC Software Awarded "Best Workplace in Tech" for 2024

Subheadline: Recognition Highlights Company’s Commitment to Employee Satisfaction and Innovation

Date: April 15, 2024

Location: New York, NY

First Paragraph: ABC Software proudly announces its recognition as the "Best Workplace in Tech" by TechLife Magazine, a testament to the company’s ongoing commitment to fostering an innovative and supportive work environment.


  • Criteria for the Award: Discuss what criteria were used to judge the award and why ABC Software stood out.
  • Employee Programs and Initiatives: Detail some of the programs or practices that contributed to winning the award.
  • Quote from HR Director: "This award is a reflection of our dedication to our team’s growth and well-being," states Michael Brown, HR Director.

Boilerplate: Information about ABC Software, its values, and its commitment to the industry.

Contact Information:

Additional Tips for Writing Your Press Release

Writing a press release that captures attention and achieves its objectives requires more than just avoiding common mistakes. By incorporating these tips, your press release will not only convey the necessary information but also stand out, potentially leading to greater media pickup and a wider reach for your message. Here are some additional tips to help you craft an effective press release:

Start Strong

  • Lead with the Most Newsworthy Element: Your opening paragraph should answer the critical "who, what, when, where, why, and how" of your news. This hooks the reader and ensures that the most important details are communicated up front.

Keep It Concise

  • Be Brief and to the Point: Stick to the essential information. A concise press release is not only more readable but also respects the time of journalists and readers.

Use an Active Voice

  • Engage with Direct Language: Write in an active voice to make your press release feel more immediate and impactful. This approach keeps the reader engaged.

Include a Quote

  • Humanise Your Message: Adding a quote from someone relevant within your company, such as the CEO or a project leader, provides a personal touch and can add authority to your announcement.

Provide Background Information

  • Help Journalists Write More In-Depth Stories: Include a brief "About" section at the end of the release that explains what your company does. This helps journalists who are not familiar with your company to understand its context.

Optimise for SEO

  • Use Keywords Effectively: Integrate relevant keywords naturally into your press release to improve its visibility in search engine results, but avoid stuffing keywords as it can detract from the readability.

Include a Call to Action

  • Guide the Reader on What to Do Next: Whether it’s visiting a website, signing up for a webinar, or following your company on social media, a clear call to action directs the reader on how to proceed after reading your press release.

Make It Shareable

  • Easy Sharing Options: Ensure your press release is easy to share by including social media sharing buttons and direct links to your main company page or specific product pages.

Double-Check Your Facts

  • Accuracy Is Crucial: Verify all facts, figures, names, dates, and other information. Inaccuracies can damage your credibility and affect your relationship with the media.

Follow Up

  • Don’t Just Send and Forget: After distributing your press release, follow up with key contacts who may be interested in more information. This can help facilitate more detailed coverage and strengthen media relationships.

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